It's 2012 and time to get back into my BT7 restoration. This time I
want to put my efforts into the mechanical aspects of the car, as last
time with the 100 that part was pretty easy as most of those parts were
near new, so I have decided to have the body panels and paint done by
"The Healey Factory" in Melbourne, and "Kilmartins" will build new
bulkheads onto the new frame they supplied a few years ago.
Currently the Healey factory is working on the panels, and should
complete them in a few weeks, then the panels and the frame will be off
to Greg Kilmartin for the rest of the chassis work. From the original
car the only recoverable panels are the front shroud, both front wings,
and one rear wing. The rest are original replacements except for a new
boot lid.
I managed to get a resonable replacement rear shroud and here the
partially repaired panels with new boot lid are mounted on a spare
frame at the Healey Factory to check alignments.
Front Shroud is repaired along with a good second hand bonnet.
The remains of the front wings awaiting repair ( I happy this isn't my problem! )