The front and rear bulkheads are now mounted on the chassis. The vertical panel behind the seats was rusty and damaged so I have replaced it along with the tail shaft cover. I finalized the mounting of the front bulkhead by attaching both doors and the front shroud to it, clamping it in place to the inner sills then rotated it at the saw cut point mentioned previously until I was satisfied with the height of the shroud at the front and the height of the doors at back edge. I had the rear bulkhead sitting in place at the time to compare the door height at their top edge to the height of the rear bulkhead. Once satisfied with the fit, the footwells were installed and welding began. note - the firewall/cold air box assembly was spot welded before installation into the bulkhead. for all other welding I have used oxy or arc welding (unfortunately I don't own a mig) I have used plug welding technique to areas that were spot welded and plain arc welding for the rest.

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